Introducing our Steering Group

While the EU Community of Practice of Peace Mediation (EU CoP) is the collective effort of many peace-building organisations and their people in Europe and globally, the CoP would not be possible without the continued support of a Steering Group.

The Steering Group is composed of individuals from the EEAS and civil society. Civil society members, with a track record of engaging actively in the CoP, are invited in their personal capacity and as representatives of the peace-building community more broadly. All members participate on equal footing.

Since 2019, the Steering Group have been composed by various organisations and its members have contributed with ideas and dedicated time to making sure the EU CoP stays inclusive and relevant.

Steering Group members together form a brain trust whereby individual members act as advisors on broader matters related to issues such as event content, formats, participation and follow-up. In particular, the Steering Group engages in the following tasks:

  • Elaborates on the overarching title, and suggests themes with policy relevance

  • Elaborates a concept note for the event based on a suggestion by the ISP.2

  • Proactively suggests and facilitates ways in which the CoP can be inclusive in terms of participation and themes represented in sessions

  • Acts as the connector between work on the ground and the CoP platform

  • Lifts interesting programs or processes that merit wider attention including organisations or individuals

  • Communicates to the wider community about the CoP and as such, works as an “amplifier”

  • Forms part of panels and/or facilitates the involvement of other well-placed colleagues from the wider community

  • Advises on the architecture of the CoP and the integration of in-person and virtual platforms

  • Supports session organisers and moderators

  • Suggests service providers, technical arrangements or other recommendations based on previous positive experiences in other events

The Steering Group in 2024, includes the following organisations (listed alphabetically):

Established during the height of the Cold War, the Berghof Foundation draws on a history of success in creating space for conflict transformation and peace.

Our work spans many regions and societies, encompassing conflicts between and within states, whether new or entrenched. We also work to address underlying social grievances which, if ignored, only deepen divisions and inflame tensions. While each conflict is unique, our support for conflict transformation in each scenario remains rooted in our mission and foundational principles.

CMI – Martti Ahtisaari Peace Foundation is an independent Finnish organisation that works to prevent and resolve conflicts through dialogue and mediation. Founded in 2000 by Nobel Peace Laureate and former President of Finland Martti Ahtisaari, we have since grown to be a leader in the field of international peacemaking.

For over 25 years we have been bringing together communities torn apart by violence and mistrust, helping people resolve their differences.  We connect the views of people on the ground with political processes, and share learning so others can find alternatives to violent conflict.

The European External Action Service (EEAS) is the European Union’s diplomatic service. Since 2011, the EEAS carries out the EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy to promote peace, prosperity, security, and the interests of Europeans across the globe.

Based in Brussels and active in over a dozen countries, we combine the operational flexibility of an independent organisation with the diplomatic reach associated with our board and our proximity to the European Union.

Our vision is a world where people live in safety and peace because conflicts and grievances are resolved through inclusive dialogue and lasting political agreements.

EPLO is committed to the advancement of sustainable peace in the world, the greater involvement of civil society in the transformation and resolution of conflict, and nonviolent forms of action. In its work, EPLO is committed to the principles of respect for all human rights, non-discrimination, gender equality, cultural diversity, sustainable development, and the promotion of good governance and the rule of law at local, regional, national and international levels.

Working on more than 80% of conflicts around the world, HD brings all parties together to find the path to peace. 

We are global and local, helping conflict parties to build a common vision of a better future with comprehensive and inclusive peace agreements that reduce the human suffering caused by war and create the conditions for stability and development.

Local Youth Corner Cameroon (LOYOC) is a youth-led, non-governmental organisation created in 2002 with a focus on promoting the empowerment of young people in the domain of peacebuilding, preventing and countering violent extremism as well as sustainable development. LOYOC was created as a response to the increase in the socio-political and economic challenges faced by young people, which pushes them into conflict with the law and makes them vulnerable to violence. Our youth-led approach is focused on providing innovative solutions to these youth challenges as a way to prevent them from involving in violence, build violent-free communities, and ensure that young people are at the forefront of peace processes, building sustainable peace and development. LOYOC applies a Positive Youth Development approach that strengthens the assets/skills, sense of agency, opportunity for contributions, and the enabling environment for youth. We work with young people adopting the peace, humanitarian and development nexus as a core strategy for building violent free societies. We adopt gender sensitive methods and intergenerational coexistence and collaboration in our processes. Our operations are currently led by our four offices based in Yaoundé (which covers Centre, South and East Regions); Maroua (which covers, the Far North, North and Adamawa regions) and Buea (which covers the South West, North West, West and Littoral regions). LOYOC is currently supporting initiatives within the Lake Chad Basin region. 

CSSP is a specialised mediation organisation based in Berlin with teams in the respective countries of engagement. The organisation supports political and community leaders in transforming their conflicts through mediation and dialogue processes, facilitated by insider-outsider mediation teams.

The Steering Group is also joined by the ERMES III facility (European Resources for Mediation Support) established and funded by the Services for Foreign Policy Instruments (FPI). FPI, via ERMES, is funding this year’s CoP and collaborates closely with EEAS and the Steering Group. The Steering Group is supported by the ERMES team (Stefan Coman, Team Leader; Jose Lambiza, Event Coordination and Logistics Key Expert; Anna Grieco, Project Manager CoE.